
Bruno's World (ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ)

Trump Doctrine!


“And I saw him last night on television. It looks like he got hit with a baseball bat or something. What happened to him? Something happened to him… it looked like he got hit. It looked like he got beat around.” - President Donald Trump, North Carolina press conference, referring to Sen. Adam Schiff (D-CA), 01/24/2025

“That result alone proves that, as all Legal Scholars and Experts have said, THERE IS NO CASE, THERE WAS NEVER A CASE, and this whole Scam fully deserves to be DISMISSED.” - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, regarding his 'unconditional discharge' sentence in New York City, 01/10/2025


"When I said that the criminals coming in are far worse than the criminals we have in our country, that statement was constantly refuted by Democrats and the Fake News Media, but it turned out to be true. The crime rate in our country is at a level that nobody has ever seen before." - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 01/01/2025

"The Great State of Canada is stunned as the Finance Minister resigns, or was fired, from her position by Governor Justin Trudeau. Her behavior was totally toxic, and not at all conducive to making deals which are good for the very unhappy citizens of Canada. She will not be missed!!!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 12/16/2024

"JD is steady and strong, Tampon Tim is sweating bullets, he is nervous and “weird.”" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 10/01/2024

"I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them." - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 07/05/2024

"As we move forward in Uniting our Nation after the horrific events on Saturday, this dismissal of the Lawless Indictment in Florida should be just the first step, followed quickly by the dismissal of ALL the Witch Hunts — The January 6th Hoax in Washington, D.C., the Manhattan D.A.’s Zombie Case, the New York A.G. Scam, Fake Claims about a woman I never met (a decades old photo in a line with her then husband does not count), and the Georgia “Perfect” Phone Call charges. The Democrat Justice Department coordinated ALL of these Political Attacks, which are an Election Interference conspiracy against Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME. Let us come together to END all Weaponization of our Justice System, and Make America Great Again!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 07/15/2024

"I never knew how small, both mentally and physically, Wacko Former Actor Robert De Niro was. Today, De Niro, who suffers from an incurable case of TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, commonly known in the medical community as TDS, was met, outside the Courthouse, with a force far greater than the Radical Left - MAGA. Robert, whose movies, artistry, and brand have gone WAY DOWN IN VALUE since he entered the political arena at the request of Crooked Joe Biden, looked so pathetic and sad out there. Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio!!!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 05/29/2024

"WOW! I just came out of the Biden Witch Hunt Trial in Manhattan, the “Icebox,” and was shown Reports that Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, in their Illegal and UnConstitutional Raid of Mar-a-Lago, AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE. NOW WE KNOW, FOR SURE, THAT JOE BIDEN IS A SERIOUS THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. HE IS MENTALLY UNFIT TO HOLD OFFICE — 25TH AMENDMENT!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 05/21/2024

"It has always been very clear that the “Documents Case” is nothing but an Election Interference Scam concocted by Crooked Joe Biden, Deranged Jack Smith, and their Hacks and Thugs…" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 05/09/2024

"MY TRIAL IS AN ASSAULT ON AMERICA!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 04/16/2024


"Maxine Waters, very nice woman, even though she’s constantly saying she wants to beat up or kill people on the opposite side of the aisle. lf I ever said that, they would call me an Insurrectionist, and all hell would break out!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, about Joe Biden's SOTU speech, 03/07/2024

"That may be the Angriest, Least Compassionate, and Worst State of the Union Speech ever made. It was an Embarrassment to our Country!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, about Joe Biden's SOTU speech, 03/07/2024

"THE DRUGS ARE WEARING OFF!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, about Joe Biden's SOTU speech, 03/07/2024

"Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley is very bad for the Republican Party and, indeed, our Country. Her False Statements, Derogatory Comments, and Humiliating Public Loss, is demeaning to True American Patriots. Her anger should be aimed at her Third Rate Political Consultants and, more importantly, Crooked Joe Biden and those that are destroying our Country - NOT THE PEOPLE WHO WILL SAVE IT. I knew Nikki well, she was average at best, is not the one to take on World Leaders, and she never did. That was up to me, and that is why they respected the United States. When I ran for Office and won, I noticed that the losing Candidate’s “Donors” would immediately come to me, and want to “help out.” This is standard in Politics, but no longer with me. Anybody that makes a “Contribution” to Birdbrain, from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp. We don’t want them, and will not accept them, because we Put America First, and ALWAYS WILL!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 01/24/2024

“This means the world may need to prepare for the possibility of Trump returning to power and a more divided US with fighting between the political parties getting worse.” - Global Times, Chinese state-run newspaper, 01/15/2024

"Joe Biden is a very vicious guy. He’s not a smart guy—not smart at all. All you have to do is look at his academic credentials. But he’s a very vicious guy.” President Donald Trump, Breitbart News, 01/09/2024

“Best line in the Elizabeth Warren beer catastrophe is, to her husband, ‘Thank you for being here. I’m glad you’re here.’ It’s their house, he’s supposed to be there!” - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 01/13/2019

"So interesting to watch Crooked Joe Biden break every environmental law in the book to prove that I was right when I built 560 miles (they incorrectly state 450 in story!) of brand new, beautiful border wall. As I have stated often, over thousands of years, there are only two things that have consistently worked, wheels, and walls! Will Joe Biden apologize to me and America for taking so long to get moving, and allowing our country to be flooded with 15 million illegals immigrants, from places unknown. I will await his apology!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 10/05/2023

"Donald Trump bought me ice cream. Biden gave me $6 gas. The choice is clear." - AltAzn, X, 09/29/2023

"Mark Milley, who led perhaps the most embarrassing moment in American history with his grossly incompetent implementation of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, costing many lives, leaving behind hundreds of American citizens, and handing over BILLIONS of dollars of the finest military equipment ever made, will be leaving the military next week. This will be a time for all citizens of the USA to celebrate! This guy turned out to be a Woke train wreck who, if the Fake News reporting is correct, was actually dealing with China to give them a heads up on the thinking of the President of the United States. This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH! A war between China and the United States could have been the result of this treasonous act. To be continued!!!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 09/22/2023

"To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our Freedom, hear these words—WE WILL NOT COMPLY!" - President Donald J. Trump, Truth Social, 08/30/2023

"MUG SHOT – AUGUST 24, 2023, ELECTION INTERFERENCE, NEVER SURRENDER!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 08/24/2023

"But today, I walked into the lion’s den with one simple message on behalf of our entire movement: I WILL NEVER SURRENDER OUR MISSION TO SAVE AMERICA." - President Donald Trump, website, 08/24/2023

"231,000,000 Views, and still counting. The Biggest Video on Social Media, EVER, more than double the Super Bowl! But please excuse me, I have to start getting ready to head down to Atlanta, Georgia, where Murder and other Violent Crimes have reached levels never seen before, to get ARRESTED by a Radical Left, Lowlife District Attorney, Fani Willis, for A PERFECT PHONE CALL, and having the audacity to challenge a RIGGED & STOLEN ELECTION. THE EVIDENCE IS IRREFUTABLE! ARREST TIME: 7:30 P.M." - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 08/24/2023

"I hear that RACIST Fulton County (Atlanta) District Attorney “Phoney”Fani Willis, who weakly presides over one of the deadliest communities in the U.S., with thousands of murderers, violent criminals & gang members roaming the streets while going untried, free, & are treated with “kid gloves,” is using a potential Indictment of me, and other innocent people, as a campaign and fundraising CON JOB, all based on a PERFECT PHONE CALL, AS PRESIDENT, CHALLENGING ELECTION FRAUD - MY DUTY & RIGHT!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 08/12/2023

"The “shocking and totally unexpected” loss by the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team to Sweden is fully emblematic of what is happening to the our once great Nation under Crooked Joe Biden. Many of our players were openly hostile to America - No other country behaved in such a manner, or even close. WOKE EQUALS FAILURE. Nice shot Megan, the USA is going to Hell!!! MAGA" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 08/06/2023

"IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!" - President Donald Trump, TruthSocial, 08/04/2023

"Joe Biden is a totally compromised president, because they’re bribing him. They know all the money they’ve given, and it’s far greater than anyone has been able to understand, as good a job as Jim Jordan and Jamie Comer have done. And it’s not only China, it’s many countries, including Ukraine. These countries know every penny the Biden Crime Family has taken in—so he can’t ever go against them, or they’ll reveal the corruption is 100 times bigger than Watergate." - President Donald Trump, Faith and Freedom Coalition speech, 06/24/2023


"It's also no coincidence that these charges against me came down the VERY SAME DAY evidence revealed Joe Biden took a $5 million bribe from Ukraine." - President Donald Trump, Bedminster, New Jersey, 06/13/2023



"TREASON!!!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 05/15/2023

"People are criticizing CNN for giving me a Forum to tell the TRUTH. I believe it was a very smart thing that they did, with Sky High Ratings that they haven’t seen in a very long time. It was by far the biggest Show of the night, the week, and the month!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 05/11/2023

"D.A. BRAGG JUST ILLEGALLY LEAKED THE 33 points of Indictment. There are no changes or surprises from those he leaked days ago directly out of the Grand Jury. No Crime by Trump. What a MESS. Bragg should resign, NOW!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 04/03/2023



“TRUMP’S BEEN RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING!” - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 03-12-2023


"The Department of Injustice has fully weaponized Law Enforcement in the United States, except against Joe and Hunter Biden. The American people will not stand for what is happening on our Borders, with our Rigged Elections, or with the Soviet style Weaponization of Law Enforcement!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 03-12-2023

"Nobody, in history, did more for the FARMERS of our Country than I did. Even got them 28 Billion Dollars from China based on how unfairly they were treated, before me, by the Chinese Government. People couldn’t believe it. Nobody’s going to win with the Farmers but “Donald J. Trump.” Will be in Iowa on Monday. Big crowd!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 03-12-2023

Great courage shown by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy in releasing the surveillance footage to Tucker Carlson so that our Country, and indeed the World, can see what really went on during the January 6th events. A whole new, and completely opposite, picture has now been indelibly painted. The Unselect Committee LIED, and should be prosecuted for their actions. Nancy & Mitch were a disaster on Security. Thank you Kevin and Tucker. FREE AT LAST!!! - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 03-06-2023

Congratulations to Tucker Carlson on one of the biggest “scoops” as a reporter in U.S. history. The New Surveillance Footage of the January 6th Events sheds an entirely different light on what actually happened. The Unselect Committee was a giant SCAM, and has now unequivocally been stamped as CRIMINAL FABRICATORS OF THIS MOST IMPORTANT DAY. Pelosi & McConnell failed on security. The Police story is sad and difficult to watch. “Trump” and most others are totally innocent, LET THEM GO FREE, NOW! - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 03-06-2023

"SHOOT DOWN THE BALLOON!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 02/03/2023

“The Trump Doctrine is ‘We’re America, Bitch.’ That’s the Trump Doctrine.” - senior White House official with direct access to the president, speaking to Atlantic Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey Goldberg, article at, 06/11/2018

"Wow! The Biden Think Tank is funded by CHINA!!! Also, a V.P. cannot Declassify documents, which are covered by the Federal Records Act, which is Criminal and MUCH TOUGHER than the Presidential Records Act, which is NOT Criminal. A President, me, can Declassify. How much more information has China been given?" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 01/09/2023

"So now it comes out, conclusively, that the FBI BURIED THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY BEFORE THE ELECTION knowing that, if they didn’t, “Trump would have easily won the 2020 Presidential Election.” This is massive FRAUD & ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before in our Country. REMEDY: Declare the rightful winner or, and this would be the minimal solution, declare the 2020 Election irreparably compromised and have a new Election, immediately!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 08/29/2022

"ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS ASK." - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, regarding the raid on Mar-a-Lago 08/12/2022

"Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax, just like Russia, Russia, Russia was a Hoax, two Impeachments were a Hoax, the Mueller investigation was a Hoax, and much more. Same sleazy people involved. Why wouldn’t the FBI allow the inspection of areas at Mar-a-Lago with our lawyer’s, or others, present. Made them wait outside in the heat, wouldn’t let them get even close - said “ABSOLUTELY NOT.” Planting information anyone? Reminds me of a Christofer Steele Dossier!" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 08/12/2022

"At the very plush, beautiful, and expensive A.G.’s office. Nice working conditions, as people are being murdered all over New York - and she spends her time and effort on trying to “get Trump.”" - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 08/10/2022

"A horrible thing that took place yesterday at Mar-a-Lago. We are no better than a third world country, a banana republic. It is a continuation of Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax # 2, the no collusion Mueller Report, and more. To make matters worse it is all, in my opinion, a coordinated attack with Radical Left Democrat state & local D.A.’s & A.G.’s." - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 08/10/2022

“It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections.” - President Donald Trump, 08/10/2022

“When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, whether it’s electric cars that don’t drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he’d be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, ‘drop to your knees and beg,’ and he would have done it...” - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 07/14/2022

“This committee is, a lot of people say, illegally formed. But when you look at what they’re doing, and you look at what they’re saying, and what they’re doing to the country, the good news is, a lot of people aren’t watching, a lot of people aren’t listening to it, but they’re trying to do real harm.” - President Donald Trump, Newsmax TV “Wake Up America,” 06-30-2022

“The deal on ‘Gun Control’ currently being structured and pushed in the Senate by the Radical Left Democrats, with the help of Mitch McConnell, RINO Senator John Cornyn of Texas, and others, will go down in history as the first step in the movement to TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY. Republicans, be careful what you wish for!!!” - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 06/22/2022

“Hillary said that guns don’t keep you safe. If she really believes that she should demand that her heavily armed bodyguards quickly disarm!” - President Donald Trump, 01/03/2016

“I’M BACK #COVFEFE.” - President Donald Trump, Truth Social, 04/28/2022

"The irreversible harm that Democrat politicians did to our young people is unforgivable—and American voters will punish them for it at the ballot box this November." - President Donald Trump, North Carolina rally, 04/09/2022

“We are so foolish. The whole thing with the climate is just out of control. Unless everybody is going to do it makes us noncompetitive. And everybody has to do it. That includes China and Russia and India and many other countries.” - President Donald Trump, Fox Business Network, 03/02/2022

"Vladimir Putin looks at our pathetic surrender in Afghanistan, leaving behind dead Soldiers, American citizens, and $85 billion worth of Military equipment. He then looks at Biden. He is not worried!" - President Donald Trump, 12/07/2021

“We were energy independent one year ago, now we are at the mercy of OPEC.” President Donald Trump, 11/23/2021

"The Unselect Committee is composed of absolute political hacks who want to destroy the Republican Party and are decimating America itself. I am the only thing in their way. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" - President Donald Trump, 10/19/2021

"The Democrat plan, if approved at any level, will push our Country towards socialism!" - President Donald Trump, 10/03/2021

"We are losing our Country! The Democrats are vicious and fight like hell, and the Republicans do nothing about it. RINOs fight harder against Republicans than they do against Democrats. They want to be so politically correct, even if that means losing our Country, which is happening now." - President Donald Trump, 09/22/2021

"The United States will soon be considered a Third World Nation. There has never been anything like what is happening at our Border. Millions of people have already poured in, but many more than that are coming!" - President Donald Trump, 09/20/2021

"If the Democrats could fight wars as well as they execute Election Fraud, we would have obliterated all of our many enemies throughout the World, and would have nothing to worry about!" - President Donald Trump, 08/27/2021

"Instead, we can only imagine how many thousands of terrorists have been airlifted out of Afghanistan and into neighborhoods around the world. What a terrible failure. NO VETTING. How many terrorists will Joe Biden bring to America? We don’t know!" - President Donald Trump, 08/24/2021

"Biden’s biggest mistake was not understanding that the Military has to be last out the door, not first out the door. Civilians and equipment go first and then, when everyone and everything is out, the Military goes. So simple, and yet it wasn’t done. Tragic!" - President Donald Trump, 08/23/2021

"First you bring out all of the American citizens. Then you bring out ALL equipment. Then you bomb the bases into smithereens—AND THEN YOU BRING OUT THE MILITARY. You don’t do it in reverse order like Biden and our woke Generals did.

"No chaos, no death—they wouldn’t even know we left!" - President Donald Trump, 08/19/2021

"What took place yesterday in Afghanistan made our withdrawal from Vietnam look like child’s play. Perhaps in World history, there has never been a withdrawal operation that has been handled so disastrously. A President who has been illegitimately elected has brought great shame, in many ways, to our Country!" - President Donald Trump, 08/17/2021

"It's not that we left Afghanistan. It's the grossly incompetent way we left!" - President Donald Trump, 08/16/2021

"The corrupt Presidential Election of 2020 got us here. Never would have happened if I were President!" - President Donald Trump, 08/16/2021

"Joe Biden gets it wrong every time on foreign policy, and many other issues. Everyone knew he couldn’t handle the pressure. Even Obama’s Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, said as much. He ran out of Afghanistan instead of following the plan our Administration left for him—a plan that protected our people and our property, and ensured the Taliban would never dream of taking our Embassy or providing a base for new attacks against America. The withdrawal would be guided by facts on the ground." - President Donald Trump, 08/14/2021

"Congratulations to Governor Mike Parson of Missouri for having the courage to give Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCloskey a full pardon. They were defending their property and if they had not done what they did, their property would have been completely destroyed and they would have been badly beaten, or dead—great going Mike!" - President Donald Trump, 08/11/2021

"Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill is a disgrace. If Mitch McConnell was smart, which we’ve seen no evidence of, he would use the debt ceiling card to negotiate a good infrastructure package.  This is a 2,700 page bill that no one could have possibly read—they would have needed to take speed reading courses. It is a gift to the Democrat Party, compliments of Mitch McConnell and some RINOs, who have no idea what they are doing. There is very little on infrastructure in all of those pages. Instead, they track your driving so they can tax you. It is Joe Biden’s form of a gas tax but far bigger, far higher and, mark my words, far worse. They want to track you everywhere you go and watch everything you do!" - President Donald Trump, 08/07/2021

“Like it or not we are becoming a Communist country, that’s what’s happening. We are beyond socialism.” - President Donald Trump, 07/24/2021

"Can anybody believe that the Cleveland Indians, a storied and cherished baseball franchise since taking the name in 1915, are changing their name to the Guardians? Such a disgrace, and I guarantee that the people who are most angry about it are the many Indians of our Country. Wouldn’t it be an honor to have a team named the Cleveland Indians, and wouldn’t it be disrespectful to rip that name and logo off of those jerseys?  The people of Cleveland cannot be thrilled and I, as a FORMER baseball fan, cannot believe things such as this are happening. A small group of people, with absolutely crazy ideas and policies, is forcing these changes to destroy our culture and heritage. At some point, the people will not take it anymore!" - President Donald Trump, 07/25/2021

"People are proud to be saying Merry Christmas again. I am proud to have led the charge against the assault of our cherished and beautiful phrase. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 12/24/2020

"I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill, or else their the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package, and maybe that administration will be me and we will get it done." - President Donald Trump, White House, 12/22/2020

"It is my Great Honor to announce that General Michael T. Flynn has been granted a Full Pardon. Congratulations to @GenFlynn and his wonderful family, I know you will now have a truly fantastic Thanksgiving!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 11/25/2020

"That says it all about Mattis. Obama fired him. I should have fired him sooner. Did best work after he was gone. World’s most overrated general!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 11/24/2020

“I saw Adam Schiff, this guy, the watermelon head, he’s like a watermelon head.” - President Donald Trump, 10/21/2020

"Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes not wearing a mask in the White House after her interview with me. Much more to come." - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 10/20/2020

"I am pleased to inform you that, for the sake of accuracy in reporting, I am considering posting my interview with Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes, PRIOR TO AIRTIME! This will be done so that everybody can get a glimpse of what a FAKE and BIASED interview is all about..." - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 10/20/2020

"She’s always been terrible & unfair, just like most of the Fake News reporters, but I’ll still play the game. The people know! How’s Steve Scully doing?" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, speaking about debate moderator Kristen Welker, 10/17/2020

"I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 10/06/2020

“I guess I’m debating you, not [Biden], but that’s OK, I’m not surprised.” - President Donald Trump, to Chris Wallace, 2020 debate, 09/29/2020

"The big Unsolicited Ballot States should give it up NOW, before it is too late, and ask people to go to the Polling Booths and, like always before, VOTE. Otherwise, MAYHEM!!! Solicited Ballots (absentee) are OK." - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 09/17/2020

"Because of the new and unprecedented massive amount of unsolicited ballots which will be sent to “voters”, or wherever, this year, the Nov 3rd Election result may NEVER BE ACCURATELY DETERMINED, which is what some want. Another election disaster yesterday. Stop Ballot Madness!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 09/17/2020

"You work so hard for the military, from completely rebuilding a depleted mess that was left by OBiden, to fixing a broken V.A. and fighting for large scale military pay raises, and then a slimeball reporter, maybe working with disgruntled people, makes up such a horrible charge.  This reminds me of the Dirty Dossier, which was pushed hard by John McCain, & then with a thud turned out to be a total fraud. So many other scams also. The Radical Far Left is VICIOUS, they will do or say anything to win. But they won’t, we will WIN, & have four great years!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 09/05/2020

"Will Fredo be fired by Fake News @CNN? He speaks with great disrespect about women, and it will only get worse. Fredo’s Ratings are bad, so this is the time. Always terrible to speak to sleazebags, especially when you are being recorded. CNN has no choice, Fredo must go!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 09/02/2020

"Our great National Guard could solve these problems in less than 1 hour. Local authorities must ask before it is too late. People of Portland, and other Democrat run cities, are disgusted with Schumer, Pelosi, and thier (sic) local “leaders”. They want Law & Order!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 08/30/2020

"The ObamaBiden Administration was the most corrupt in history, including the fact that they got caught SPYING ON MY CAMPAIGN, the biggest political scandal in the history of our Country. It’s called Treason, and more. Thanks for your very kind words Michelle!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 08/18/2020

"Somebody please explain to @MichelleObama that Donald J. Trump would not be here, in the beautiful White House, if it weren’t for the job done by your husband, Barack Obama. Biden was merely an afterthought, a good reason for that very late &  unenthusiastic endorsement....." - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 08/18/2020

“Because Nancy Pelosi and Cryin’ Chuck are absolutely obstructionists. All they wanted to do was to get money to bail out Democratic cities and states that have been run poorly. They want bailout money. The bailout money is about a trillion dollars and it’s unacceptable. That’s about 90 percent of what they wanted.” - President Donald Trump, Breitbart News interview, 08/10/2020

"I was on Air Force One flying to the Great State of Texas, where I just landed. It is AMAZING in watching @FoxNews how different they are from four years ago. Not even watchable. They totally forgot who got them where they are!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 07/29/2020

"So the Washington Post is running the Reagan Foundation, and RINO Paul Ryan is on the Board of Fox, which has been terrible. We will win anyway, even with the phony @FoxNews suppression polls (which have been seriously wrong for 5 years)!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 07/26/2020

"The Lamestream Media, including @FoxNews, which has really checked out, is refusing to show what is REALLY going on in Portland, Seattle, and other places. They want the American public to believe that these are just some wonderful protesters, not radical left ANARCHISTS!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 07/26/2020

"I will Veto the Defense Authorization Bill if the Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren (of all people!) Amendment, which will lead to the renaming (plus other bad things!) of Fort Bragg, Fort Robert E. Lee, and many other Military Bases from which we won Two World Wars, is in the Bill!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 07/01/2020

"THE LONE WARRIOR!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 06/30/2020

"Black Lives Matter leader states, “If U.S. doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it”. This is Treason, Sedition, Insurrection!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 06/25/2020

"Wacko John Bolton’s “exceedingly tedious”(New York Times) book is made up of lies & fake stories. Said all good about me, in print, until the day I fired him. A disgruntled boring fool who only wanted to go to war. Never had a clue, was ostracized & happily dumped. What a dope!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 06/18/2020

"Could it be even remotely possible that in Roger Goodell’s rather interesting statement of peace and reconciliation, he was intimating that it would now be O.K. for the players to KNEEL, or not to stand, for the National Anthem, thereby disrespecting our Country & our Flag?" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 06/07/2020

I am a big fan of Drew Brees. I think he’s truly one of the greatest quarterbacks, but he should not have taken back his original stance on honoring our magnificent American Flag. OLD GLORY is to be revered, cherished, and flown high.  We should be standing up straight and tall, ideally with a salute, or a hand on heart. There are other things you can protest, but not our Great American Flag - NO KNEELING!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 06/05/2020

"I can’t stand back & watch this happen to a great American City, Minneapolis. A total lack of leadership. Either the very weak Radical Left Mayor, Jacob Frey, get his act together and bring the City under control, or I will send in the National Guard & get the job done right. These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 05/29/2020

"So ridiculous to see Twitter trying to make the case that Mail-In Ballots are not subject to FRAUD. How stupid, there are examples, & cases, all over the place. Our election process will become badly tainted & a laughingstock all over the World. Tell that to your hater @yoyoel" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 05/28/2020

"OBAMAGATE MAKES WATERGATE LOOK LIKE SMALL POTATOES!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 05/27/2020

"New papers make CLEAR that the Obama Administration SPIED, in an unprecedented manner, on the Trump Campaign and beyond, and even on the United States Senate. Nobody would ever have believed that this level of illegality and corruption would be taking place in our beautiful USA!"  - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 05/27/2020

“Look, [Barack Obama] was an incompetent president. That’s all I can say. Grossly incompetent.” - President Donald Trump, to reporters, 05/17/2020

"If I were a Senator or Congressman, the first person I would call to testify about the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR, is former President Obama. He knew EVERYTHING. Do it @LindseyGrahamSC, just do it. No more Mr. Nice Guy. No more talk!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 05/15/2020

"Because it was OBAMAGATE, and he and Sleepy Joe led the charge. The most corrupt administration in U.S. history!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 05/11/2020

"He got caught, OBAMAGATE!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 05/11/2020

"Congratulations to former Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, and all others involved, on a complete and total exoneration (with a 9-0 vote by the U.S. Supreme Court) on the Obama DOJ Scam referred to as “Bridgegate.” The Democrats are getting caught doing very evil things, and Republicans should take note. This was grave misconduct by the Obama Justice Department!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 05/07/2020

"Planned Parenthood just did what the following people didn’t have the courage to do: Nancy Pelosi, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, Gretchen Whitmer, Amy Klobuchar & Crooked Hillary." - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 04/30/2020

"LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 04/17/2020

"The W.H.O. really blew it. For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric. We will be giving that a good look. Fortunately I rejected their advice on keeping our borders open to China early on. Why did they give us such a faulty recommendation?" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 04/07/2020

"But I don’t think I would have acted any differently, or I don’t think I would have acted any faster. But the Democrats, their whole life, whole being, their whole existence was to try and get me out of office any way they can, even if it was a phony deal — and it was a phony deal." - President Donald Trump, White House press briefing, 03/31/2020

“She’s a sick puppy, in my opinion. She really is.  She’s got a lot of problems. And that’s a horrible thing to say.” - President Donald Trump, talking about Nancy Pelosi, Fox News, 03/30/2020

"This is a direct & dangerous threat to the U.S. Supreme Court by Schumer. If a Republican did this, he or she would be arrested, or impeached. Serious action MUST be taken NOW!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 03/05/2020

"America’s newfound prosperity is undeniable, unprecedented, and unmatched anywhere in the world." - President Donald Trump, World Economic Forum, Davos, 01/21/2020

"We are determined to create the highest standard of living that anyone can imagine and right now that is what we’re doing for our workers, the highest in the world." - President Donald Trump, World Economic Forum, Davos, 01/21/2020

"A nation’s highest duty is to its own citizens. Honoring this truth is the only way to build faith and confidence in the market system." - President Donald Trump, World Economic Forum, Davos, 01/21/2020

"Only when government’s put their own people first will people be fully invested in their national futures." - President Donald Trump, World Economic Forum, Davos, 01/21/2020

"Today I hold up the American model as an example to the world of a working system of free enterprise that will produce the most benefits for the most people in the 21st century and beyond." - President Donald Trump, World Economic Forum, Davos, 01/21/2020

"Your 2nd Amendment is under very serious attack in the Great Commonwealth of Virginia. That’s what happens when you vote for Democrats, they will take your guns away. Republicans will win Virginia in 2020. Thank you Dems!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 01/17/2020

"Lowest rated Oscars in HISTORY. Problem is, we don’t have Stars anymore – except your President (just kidding, of course)!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 03/06/2018

"I was not pleased with the way that Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher’s trial was handled by the Navy. He was treated very badly but, despite this, was completely exonerated on all major charges. I then restored Eddie’s rank." - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 11/24/2019

"I have been watching people making phone calls my entire life. My hearing is, and has been, great. Never have I been watching a person making a call, which was not on speakerphone, and been able to hear or understand a conversation. I’ve even tried, but to no avail. Try it live!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 11/21/2019

"Another Record Stock Market, 21 times this year, despite an ongoing, & totally unfounded, Witch Hunt, & a Democrat Party that would love to see a nice, big, juicy recession. In actuality, the potential for the United States is unlimited. We will power through the Do Nothing Dems!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 11/15/2019

"After years of building up foreign nations, we are finally building up our nation." - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 11/01/2019

"So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here - a lynching. But we will WIN!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 10/22/2019

"Susan Rice, who was a disaster to President Obama as National Security Advisor, is now telling us her opinion on what to do in Syria. Remember RED LINE IN THE SAND? That was Obama. Millions killed! No thanks Susan, you were a disaster." - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 10/18/2019

"Nancy Pelosi needs help fast! There is either something wrong with her “upstairs,” or she just plain doesn’t like our great Country. She had a total meltdown in the White House today. It was very sad to watch. Pray for her, she is a very sick person!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 10/16/2019

"You would think there is NO WAY that any of the Democrat Candidates that we witnessed last night could possibly become President of the United States. Now you see why they have no choice but to push a totally illegal & absurd Impeachment of one of the most successful Presidents!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 10/16/2019

"Somebody please explain to Chris Wallace of Fox, who will never be his father (and my friend), Mike Wallace, that the Phone Conversation I had with the President of Ukraine was a congenial & good one. It was only Schiff’s made up version of that conversation that was bad!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 10/13/2019

"Where’s Hunter? He has totally disappeared! Now looks like he has raided and scammed even more countries! Media is AWOL." - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 10/13/2019

"...the Democrat vision of America is to rob American taxpayers to fund socialism for the entire world" - President Donald Trump, rally in Lake Charles, Louisiana, 10/11/2019

"On issue after issue, Democrats have put the needs of foreign citizens ahead of our own citizens. We protect borders of other countries, but we don’t protect our own borders." - President Donald Trump, rally in Lake Charles, Louisiana, 10/11/2019

“So Mexico has helped us more at our border than the Democrats. Honestly, they’re terrible.” - President Donald Trump, rally in Lake Charles, Louisiana, 10/11/2019

"The Radical Left Democrats have failed on all fronts, so now they are pushing local New York City and State Democrat prosecutors to go get President Trump. A thing like this has never happened to any President before. Not even close!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 10/07/2019

Nancy Pelosi today, on @GMA, actually said that Adam Schiffty Schiff didn’t fabricate my words in a major speech before Congress. She either had no idea what she was saying, in other words lost it, or she lied. Even Clinton lover @GStephanopoulos strongly called her out. Sue her?" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 10/03/2019

"As I learn more and more each day, I am coming to the conclusion that what is taking place is not an impeachment, it is a COUP, intended to take away the Power of the People, their VOTE, their Freedoms, their Second Amendment, Religion, Military, Border Wall, and their God-given rights as a Citizen of The United States of America!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 10/01/2019

"We’re at war. These people are sick, they’re sick and nobody’s called it out like I do. I don’t understand, people are afraid to call it out, they are afraid to say that the press is crooked, we have a crooked press, we have a dishonest media." President Donald Trump, private reception, NY City, 09/26/2019

"THE GREATEST SCAM IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN POLITICS!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 09/26/2019

"Will the Democrats apologize after seeing what was said on the call with the Ukrainian President? They should, a perfect call - got them by surprise!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 09/25/2019

"The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots." - President Donald Trump, UN speech, 09/24/2019

"She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 09/23/2019

"Dummy Beto made it much harder to make a deal. Convinced many that Dems just want to take your guns away. Will continue forward!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 09/18/2019

"Just watched AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on @FoxNews and thought to myself how different he is on TV than he is when he is with me at the White House. Likes what we are doing until the cameras go on. We got robbed on Trade and everything else while his Dems just sat back and watched. NAFTA is the worst Trade Deal ever made - terrible for labor - and Richard let it stand. No wonder unions are losing so much. The workers will vote for me in 2020 (lowest unemployment, most jobs ever), and should stop paying exorbitant $Dues, not worth it!" _ President Donald Trump, Twitter, 09/02/2019

"Crazy Lawrence O’Donnell, who has been calling me wrong from even before I announced my run for the Presidency, even being previously forced by NBC to apologize, which he did while crying, for things he said about me & The Apprentice, was again forced to apologize, this time for the most ridiculous claim of all, that Russia, Russia, Russia, or Russian oligarchs, co-signed loan documents for me, a guarantee. Totally false, as is virtually everything else he, and much of the rest of the LameStream Media, has said about me for years. ALL APOLOGIZE!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 08/29/2019

"Puerto Rico is one of the most corrupt places on earth. Their political system is broken and their politicians are either Incompetent or Corrupt. Congress approved Billions of Dollars last time, more than anyplace else has ever gotten, and it is sent to Crooked Pols. No good!  And by the way, I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to Puerto Rico!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 08/28/2019

"The New York Times will be out of business soon after I leave office, hopefully in 6 years. They have Zero credibility and are losing a fortune, even now, especially after their massive unfunded liability. I’m fairly certain they’ll endorse me just to keep it all going!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 08/18/2019

“She’s not talking to me. She’s talking to the United States of America." President Donald Trump, talking about Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, 08/21/2019

"The Democrats are not strong at all on the Second Amendment.  I would say they’re weak on the Second Amendment, and we have to be careful of that." - President Donald Trump, Oval Office, White House, 08/20/2019

"I did the Pocahontas thing. I hit her really hard, and it looked like she was down and out, but that was too long ago. I should have waited. We will revive it. It can be revived. Right? It will be revived, and it can be revived very easily and very quickly, and we’re going to have some fun in the state of New Hampshire." - President Donald Trump,  political rally,  New Hampshire, 08/15/2019

"Rep. Tlaib wrote a letter to Israeli officials desperately wanting to visit her grandmother. Permission was quickly granted, whereupon Tlaib obnoxiously turned the approval down, a complete setup. The only real winner here is Tlaib’s grandmother. She doesn’t have to see her now!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 08/16/2019

"It would show great weakness if Israel allowed Rep. Omar and Rep.Tlaib to visit. They hate Israel & all Jewish people, & there is nothing that can be said or done to change their minds. Minnesota and Michigan will have a hard time putting them back in office. They are a disgrace!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 08/15/2019

"Would Chris Cuomo be given a Red Flag for his recent rant? Filthy language and a total loss of control. He shouldn’t be allowed to have any weapon. He’s nuts!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 08/13/2019

"Liberal Hollywood is Racist at the highest level, and with great Anger and Hate! They like to call themselves “Elite,” but they are not Elite. In fact, it is often the people that they so strongly oppose that are actually the Elite. The movie coming out is made in order to inflame and cause chaos. They create their own violence, and then try to blame others. They are the true Racists, and are very bad for our Country!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 08/09/2019

"Thanks to the unhinged mob on the left, @realDonaldTrump raised $12M today, $2M more than originally expected. The support for our President is unprecedented and growing!" - Ronna McDaniel, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman, Twitter, 08/09/2019

"Beto (phony name to indicate Hispanic heritage) O’Rourke, who is embarrassed by my last visit to the Great State of Texas, where I trounced him, and is now even more embarrassed by polling at 1% in the Democrat Primary, should respect the victims & law enforcement - & be quiet!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 08/06/2019

"Baltimore’s numbers are the worst in the United States on Crime and the Economy. Billions of dollars have been pumped in over the years, but to no avail. The money was stolen or wasted. Ask Elijah Cummings where it went. He should investigate himself with his Oversight Committee!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 07/29/2019

"Really bad news! The Baltimore house of Elijah Cummings was robbed. Too bad!"- President Donald Trump, Twitter, 08/02/2019

“China is doing very badly, worst year in 27 - was supposed to start buying our agricultural product now - no signs that they are doing so. That is the problem with China, they just don’t come through. Our Economy has become MUCH larger than the Chinese Economy is last 3 years.  My team is negotiating with them now, but they always change the deal in the end to their benefit. They should probably wait out our Election to see if we get one of the Democrat stiffs like Sleepy Joe. Then they could make a GREAT deal, like in past 30 years, and continue to ripoff the USA, even bigger and better than ever before. The problem with them waiting, however, is that if & when I win, the deal that they get will be much tougher than what we are negotiating now...or no deal at all. We have all the cards, our past leaders never got it!” – President Donald Trump, Twitter, 07/30/2019

"Baltimore, under the leadership of Elijah Cummings, has the worst Crime Statistics in the Nation. 25 years of all talk, no action! So tired of listening to the same old Bull...Next, Reverend Al will show up to complain & protest. Nothing will get done for the people in need. Sad!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 07/29/2019

"I have known Al [Sharpton] for 25 years. Went to fights with him & Don King, always got along well. He “loved Trump!” He would ask me for favors often. Al is a con man, a troublemaker, always looking for a score. Just doing his thing. Must have intimidated Comcast/NBC. Hates Whites & Cops." - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 07/29/2019

"Speaking of failing badly, has anyone seen what is happening to Nancy Pelosi’s district in San Francisco. It is not even recognizeable lately. Something must be done before it is too late. The Dems should stop wasting time on the Witch Hunt Hoax and start focusing on our Country!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 07/28/2019

Someone please explain to Nancy Pelosi, who was recently called racist by those in her own party, that there is nothing wrong with bringing out the very obvious fact that Congressman Elijah Cummings has done a very poor job for his district and the City of Baltimore. Just take a look, the facts speak far louder than words! The Democrats always play the Race Card, when in fact they have done so little for our Nation’s great African American people. Now, lowest unemployment in U.S. history, and only getting better. Elijah Cummings has failed badly!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 07/28/2019

"So Democrats and others can illegally fabricate a crime, try pinning it on a very innocent President, and when he fights back against this illegal and treasonous attack on our Country, they call It Obstruction? Wrong! Why didn’t Robert Mueller investigate the investigators?" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 07/24/2019

"I don’t believe the four Congresswomen are capable of loving our Country. They should apologize to America (and Israel) for the horrible (hateful) things they have said. They are destroying the Democrat Party, but are weak & insecure people who can never destroy our great Nation!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 07/21/2019

"The Democrats like to claim that they are the party of women — in reality, though, no politician has done more for women than Donald J. Trump." - Lara Trump,, 07/16/2019

"Paul Ryan almost killed the Republican Party. Weak, ineffective & stupid are not exactly the qualities that Republicans, or the CITIZENS of our Country, were looking for. Right now our spirit is at an all time high, far better than the Radical Left Dems. You’ll see next year!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 07/13/2019

"From the banks of the Chesapeake to the cliffs of California, from the humming shores of the Great Lakes to the sand dunes of the Carolinas, from the fields of the heartland to the Everglades of Florida, the spirit of American independence will never fade, never fail, but will reign for ever and ever and ever." - President Donald Trump, Washington Mall, 07/04/2019

"HOLD THE DATE! We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th. It will be called “A Salute To America” and will be held at the Lincoln Memorial. Major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 02/24/2019

“We’re not in the hospital business. We’re in the border security business at the border.” - President Donald Trump, 07/01/2019

“I don’t really care about offending people, I sort of thought you’d know that.” - President Donald Trump, to CNN's Jim Acosta, 06/29/2019

“Jimmy Carter, look, he’s a nice man; he was a terrible president.” - President Donald Trump, G20 summit, Osaka, Japan, 06/2019

“It’s a movement made up of hard-working patriots who love their country, love their flag, love their children, and who believe that a nation must care for its own citizens first." - President Donald Trump, speech Orlando, FL, 06/18/2019

"Can you imagine Cryin’ Chuck Schumer saying out loud, for all to hear, that I am bluffing with respect to putting Tariffs on Mexico. What a Creep. He would rather have our Country fail with drugs & Immigration than give Republicans a win. But he gave Mexico bad advice, no bluff!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 06/04/2019

"Washed up psycho @BetteMidler was forced to apologize for a statement she attributed to me that turned out to be totally fabricated by her in order to make “your great president” look really bad. She got caught, just like the Fake News Media gets caught. A sick scammer!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 06/04/2019

"@SadiqKhan, who by all accounts has done a terrible job as Mayor of London, has been foolishly “nasty” to the visiting President of the United States, by far the most important ally of the United Kingdom. He is a stone cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me......" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 06/03/2019

"....Kahn reminds me very much of our very dumb and incompetent Mayor of NYC, de Blasio, who has also done a terrible job - only half his height. In any event, I look forward to being a great friend to the United Kingdom, and am looking very much forward to my visit. Landing now!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 06/03/2019

"Nothing changes from the Mueller Report. There was insufficient evidence and therefore, in our Country, a person is innocent. The case is closed! Thank you." - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 05/29/2019

"Wow! CNN Ratings are WAY DOWN, record lows. People are getting tired of so many Fake Stories and Anti-Trump lies. Chris Cuomo was rewarded for lowest morning ratings with a prime time spot - which is failing badly and not helping the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 05/23/2019

"Rex Tillerson, a man who is “dumb as a rock” and totally ill prepared and ill equipped to be Secretary of State, made up a story (he got fired) that I was out-prepared by Vladimir Putin at a meeting in Hamburg, Germany. I don’t think Putin would agree. Look how the U.S. is doing!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 05/23/2019

"Welcome to the race Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It will be nasty – you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 04/25/2019

"My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation. TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 05/17/2019

"The purposeful & calculated silencing of conservatives by @facebook & the rest of the Big Tech monopoly men should terrify everyone.  It appears they’re taking their censorship campaign to the next level.  Ask yourself, how long before they come to purge you? We must fight back." - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 05/03/2019

"In the “old days” if you were President and you had a good economy, you were basically immune from criticism. Remember, “It’s the economy stupid.” Today I have, as President, perhaps the greatest economy in history...and to the Mainstream Media, it means NOTHING. But it will!" - PResident Donald Trump, Twitter, 04/23/2019

“This was an attempted coup. This was an attempted takedown of the president, and we beat them. What they did was treason. What they did was terrible. What they did was against our Constitution and everything we stand for.” - President Donald Trump, White House, 04/09/2019

"Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 03/04/2017

"FBI & DOJ to review the outrageous Jussie Smollett case in Chicago. It is an embarrassment to our Nation!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 03/28/2019

"Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper! Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information. Must be stopped!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 02/05/2018

"So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 11/18/2018

"The Democrats are getting very “strange.” They now want to change the voting age to 16, abolish the Electoral College, and Increase significantly the number of Supreme Court Justices. Actually, you’ve got to win it at the Ballot Box!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 03/20/2019

"So it was indeed (just proven in court papers) “last in his class” (Annapolis) John McCain that sent the Fake Dossier to the FBI and Media hoping to have it printed BEFORE the Election. He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 03/17/2019

“Donald Trump is going to say in 2020, ‘You may not like my tweets, but I’m the only damned thing in between you and socialism. And not even socialism, but Maoism.'” - Victor Davis Hanson, professor of Classics Emeritus at California State University, Breitbart News Tonight, 03/12/2019

"The just revealed FBI Agent Lisa Page transcripts make the Obama Justice Department look exactly like it was, a broken and corrupt machine. Hopefully, justice will finally be served. Much more to come!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 03/13/2019

"It is shameful that House Democrats won’t take a stronger stand against Anti-Semitism in their conference. Anti-Semitism has fueled atrocities throughout history and it’s inconceivable they will not act to condemn it!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 03/06/2019

"Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth...." - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 02/25/2019

"Former Senator Harry Reid (he got thrown out) is working hard to put a good spin on his failed career. He led through lies and deception, only to be replaced by another beauty, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer. Some things just never change!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 02/25/2019

"Be nice if Spike Lee could read his notes, or better yet not have to use notes at all, when doing his racist hit on your President, who has done more for African Americans (Criminal Justice Reform, Lowest Unemployment numbers in History, Tax Cuts,etc.) than almost any other Pres!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 02/25/2019

"Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter post, 08/03/2018

"As Santa Anna’s men watched from a distance those brave Texans raised a flag for all to see. On the banner they painted a cannon along with four words that echoed through the ages. It said, 'Come and Take It.'" - President Donald Trump, rally in El Paso, TX, 02/11/2019

"But a young man who has got very little going for himself except he has a great first name. He challenged us. So we have let’s say 35,000 people tonight. And he has 200 people, 300 people. Not too good. What I would do is, I would say, that may be the end of this presidential bid.” - President Donald Trump, speaking of Beto O'Rourke, rally in El Paso, TX, 02/11/2019

"In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Waming? Please come back fast, we need you!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 01/28/2019

"Wow, just learned in the Failing New York Times that the corrupt former leaders of the FBI, almost all fired or forced to leave the agency for some very bad reasons, opened up an investigation on me, for no reason & with no proof, after I fired Lyin’ James Comey, a total sleaze!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 01/12/2019

“How much more American blood must we shed before Congress does its job?” - President Donald Trump, Oval Office, 01/08/2019

“I swore to protect our country, and that is what I will always do, so help me God.  Thank you and good night.” - President Donald Trump, Oval Office, 01/08/2019

"President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 12/30/2018

"We will be forced to close the Southern Border entirely if the Obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the Wall & also change the ridiculous immigration laws that our Country is saddled with. Hard to believe there was a Congress & President who would approve!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 12/28/2018

"Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are doing nothing for the United States but taking our money. Word is that a new Caravan is forming in Honduras and they are doing nothing about it. We will be cutting off all aid to these 3 countries - taking advantage of U.S. for years!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 12/28/201

"Saudi Arabia has now agreed to spend the necessary money needed to help rebuild Syria, instead of the United States. See? Isn’t it nice when immensely wealthy countries help rebuild their neighbors rather than a Great Country, the U.S., that is 5000 miles away. Thanks to Saudi A!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter post, 12/24/2018

"The only problem our economy has is the Fed. They don’t have a feel for the Market, they don’t understand necessary Trade Wars or Strong Dollars or even Democrat Shutdowns over Borders. The Fed is like a powerful golfer who can’t score because he has no touch - he can’t putt!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter post, 12/24/2018

"Very sad day & night in Paris. Maybe it’s time to end the ridiculous and extremely expensive Paris Agreement and return money back to the people in the form of lower taxes? The U.S. was way ahead of the curve on that and the only major country where emissions went down last year!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 12/08/2018

"You mean they are just now finding votes in Florida and Georgia – but the Election was on Tuesday? Let’s blame the Russians and demand an immediate apology from President Putin!" - President Trump, Twitter post, 11/09/2018

“And I must say throughout the time we spent together, I was pleasantly surprised by a warm and personal side to the president that I don’t think America has ever seen.” - Rabbi Jeffrey Myers, Tree of Life Synagogue, speaking about President Trump's visit, after the shooting, CNN, 11/01/2018

"The assault on our country at our Southern Border, including the Criminal elements and DRUGS pouring in, is far more important to me, as President, than Trade or the USMCA. Hopefully Mexico will stop this onslaught at their Northern Border. All Democrats fault for weak laws!" - President Trump, Twitter post, 10/18/2018

"....In addition to stopping all payments to these countries, which seem to have almost no control over their population, I must, in the strongest of terms, ask Mexico to stop this onslaught - and if unable to do so I will call up the U.S. Military and CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!.." - President Trump, Twitter post, 10/18/2018

"All nations of the world should resist socialism and the misery that it brings to everyone." - President Donald Trump, UN speech, 09/25/2018

"America is governed by Americans. We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism." - President Donald Trump, UN speech, 09/25/2018

"Virtually everywhere socialism or communism has been tried, it has produced suffering, corruption, and decay. Socialism's thirst for power leads to expansion, incursion, and oppression. All nations of the world should resist socialism and the misery that it brings to everyone." - President Donald Trump, UN speech, 09/25/2018

“America is back, and we’re just getting started!” - Vice President Mike Pence, Value Voters Summit, 09/22/2018

“Barack Obama talked a lot about hope, but Donald Trump delivered the American Dream. All the economic indicators, what’s happening overseas, Donald Trump has proven to be far more successful than Barack Obama. President Trump is delivering the American Dream.” - Jason Chaffetz, Fox News contributor

"I hope John Brennan, the worst CIA Director in our country’s history, brings a lawsuit. It will then be very easy to get all of his records, texts, emails and documents to show not only the poor job he did, but how he was involved with the Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt. He won’t sue!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter post, 08/20/2018

"Democrats, please do not distance yourselves from Nancy Pelosi. She is a wonderful person whose ideas & policies may be bad, but who should definitely be given a 4th chance. She is trying very hard & has every right to take down the Democrat Party if she has veered too far left!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter post, 08/10/2018

"The NFL players are at it again - taking a knee when they should be standing proudly for the National Anthem. Numerous players, from different teams, wanted to show their “outrage” at something that most of them are unable to define." - President Donald Trump, Twitter post, 08/10/2018

"I'm smarter than they are. I became president and they didn't. And I'm representing the best people on earth, the deplorables." - President Donald Trump, rally, Duluth MN, 06/20/2018

"I said, the immigration policies in Europe are a disaster. You’re destroying Europe, you’re destroying the culture of Europe." - President Donald Trump, interview with Tucker Carlson

"Some people HATE the fact that I got along well with President Putin of Russia. They would rather go to war than see this. It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter post, 07/18/2018

“I would rather take a political risk in pursuit of peace than risk peace in pursuit of politics.” - President Donald Trump, after meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in Helsinki, Finland, 07/16/2018

"These aren’t people. These are animals." - President Donald Trump, speaking of MS13 gang members

“Yes, that’s right, they don’t have guns, they have knives, and instead there’s blood all over the floors of this hospital. They say it’s as bad a military war zone hospital" - President Donald Trump, NRA conference, talking about London,  05/04/2018

"It was my great honor to fire James Comey!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 04/13/2018

"America is a sovereign country. We set our immigration rules. We don’t listen to foreign bureaucrats.” - President Donald Trump, speech in Pensacola, Florida, 12/08/2017

"Donald Trump speaks to Africans frankly. Africans need to solve their problems. You can't survive if you are weak. It is the Africans' fault that they are weak. We are 12 times the size of India, but why are we not strong?" - Yoweri Museveni, President of Uganda, Twitter post, 01/23/2018

“Donald Trump has been an existential threat to the system.” - Steve Bannon, Breitbart News Executive Chairman, California Republican Party’s Fall Convention, 10/20/2017

"Why is the NFL getting massive tax breaks while at the same time disrespecting our Anthem, Flag and Country? Change tax law!" - President Donald Trump, Twitter, 10/10/2017

"Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now! He is fired. He's fired!'" - President Donald Trump, rally in Alabama, 09/22/2017

"The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implemented. From the Soviet Union to Cuba to Venuzela, wherever socialism or communism has been adopted it has delivered anguish and devastation and failure." - President Donald Trump, UN speech, 09/19/2017

"We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones -- and unite the civilized world against Radical Islamic Terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth." - President Donald Trump, inauguration speech, 01/20/2017

"Our obligation is to serve, protect, and defend the citizens of the United States. We are also taking strong measures to protect our Nation from Radical Islamic Terrorism." - President Donald Trump, address to a joint session of Congress, 02/28/2017

"All the nations of the world -- friend or foe -- will find that America is strong, America is proud, and America is free." - President Donald Trump, address to a joint session of Congress, 02/28/2017

Russians fear Trump will be assassinated. American liberals fear Trump won't be assassinated." - Ann Coulter, Twitter, 02/14/2017

“On July 28th, 2006, I was very proud to become a citizen of the United States — the greatest privilege on planet Earth.” - Melania Trump, speech at the Republican National Convention, 07/18/2016

"How does it get worse? She was favored to win, and she got schlonged." - Donald Trump, talking about Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign

"Notice that illegal immigrants will be given ObamaCare and free college tuition but nothing has been mentioned about our VETERANS #DemDebate" - Donald Trump, Twitter, response to Democratic debate, 10/13/2015

“It used to be cars were made in Flint, and you couldn’t drink the water in Mexico.  Now, the cars are made in Mexico and you can’t drink the water in Flint.  That’s not good.” - Donald Trump, Flint, Michigan, presidential campaign, 09/14/2016